AWS S3 skillsets

Create a bucket


  1. Bucket name:

    1. Be unique within a partition (aws, aws-cn, aws-us-gov)
    2. 3 ~ 63 characters long
    3. only lowercases, number, dot, hyphens. But avoid using dots.
    4. Cannot change its name after creating a bucket.
  2. Bucket region:

    1. Consider latency, costs, and address regulatory requirements.
  3. Object Ownership:

    1. ACL(Access control list) disabled. Bucket owner enforced. Only bucket owner access the objects in the bucket.
    2. ACL enabled: Bucket owner preferred. Object writer
  4. Public Access settings

    1. BlockPublicAcls
    2. IgnorePublicAcls
    3. BlockPublicPolicy
    4. RestrictPublicBuckets
  5. Bucket versioning: means of keeping multiple variants of an object in the same bucket.

  6. Tags: cost allocation tags

  7. Default encryption

Upload an object to a bucket

Using AWS Console

Go to Amazon S3 > Buckets > [Bucket name] > Upload screenshot-2023-08-05-at-1.09.05-pm.png

Using AWS Cli

aws s3 cp file s3://bucketpath

Download an object

Using AWS Console


Using AWS Cli

aws s3 cp s3://tinyyard-test/a.txt abcd.txt

Deleting an object

Using AWS Console


Using AWS Cli

aws s3 rm s3://bucket-name/filename

aws s3 rm s3://tinyyard-test/a.txt